We Are Coming

Adapt How?!
That’s the question.
That we need to adapt is a given here and, although we might also ask whether or not our need to adapt is actually an imperative, there will be no witless wondering whether or not massive change is underway and accelerating. We’ll probably also question our will to adapt. Why should we in particular and generally give a shit? Climate change, social unrest, clannish polarization, political upheaval, economic fuckery and vampiric greed: Why bother at all? Maybe lots of reasons but maybe it just takes one. And then it’s all about sorting how to get through to the other side in good condition.
So welcome, preppers and dreamers, but know that we’re not simply planning to hole-in and defend our digs. We’re people everywhere searching for well-being and security, whatever that looks like, in a world being re-made and reimagined by elemental, biological, and technological forces the likes of which we humans have never before known.
So it could be fun!